Shower Steamer Lavender Menthol

Shower Steamer Lavender Menthol

Bubbles & Ewe
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Quantity must be 1 or more

Clean, fresh, and calming. Smells like true lavender finished with blooming lilac.

Add shower steamer to the back of your tub or shower and allow small amounts of water to reach your steamer. This begins the activation process. As the fizzing begins, so does the aromatherapy. Take a deep breath and soak in all the aromatherapeutic benefits throughout your shower.

Depending on how much water reaches the steamer, you can get between 3-4 uses per steamer. A shower steamer saver helps to keep your steamer off the floor of your shower, and out of direct water, thus prolonging the life of your steamer. Add one to your order today!  

Each steamer weighs 3 oz.

Keep shower steamer dry in a glass, or metal container away from water.

Contains menthol crystals - PLEASE DO NOT USE IN YOUR BATH! 

Ingredients: Baking Soda, Citric Acid, Corn Starch, Cream of Tartar, Menthol Crystals, Fragrance Oil or Essential Oil, Isopropyl Alcohol